Naruto Shippuden Funny Land Before Time Memes
My body's too intense. Oh yeah.
This wiki's gonna have the number one meme list for Naruto and Naruto Shippuden! Believe it!
Please add entries in the following format:
- The meme. [[labelnote:Explanation]]The explanation behind the meme.[[/labelnote]] Explanation Like this.
- SASUKE, I'LL SAVE YOU! Explanation Naruto's continuous attempts to force Sasuke to come back to the Leaf Village, despite the fact he clearly doesn't want to, have been interpreted by fans as overly annoying, even because it's actually what the overall plot consists of.
- The series' Uchiha clan as being masters of "the Art of Run," a ninja technique that looks suspiciously like running away from your opponents. The meme originated because the ambiguous villain Itachi Uchiha of the clan has on numerous occasions begun a battle and then left the scene after exchanging only a few blows with the series's heroes.
- In addition, it has been common to mark members of the villain group Akatsuki for death once they take off their cloaks (which has been accurate for seven of them so far),
- Sharingan: the ultimate hax.
- Tobi is a good boy!
- Which was altered by some later to Tobi is a bad boy!.
- "Who in the HELL is Tobi?! ToMaTo?!" Explanation Recent chapters reveal that THE ORIGINAL Madara Uchiha is revived by Edo Tensei, raising questions on WHO IS THE GUY IN THE MASK? More Explanation ToMaTo is a nickname for this guy who could possibly be one of these characters: Tobi, Madara, ObiTo. As of this reveal it is very unlikely to be Madara or Obito as he has two eyes. However... Even More Explanation Then Chapter 599 revealed that Tobi is Obito .
- Tobi is (Insert random name for crack theories here) Explanation Yes, at least with Obito or Kagami you can see where they're coming from. But you can now find theories for Rin or even Pakkun. It doesn't even have to be in show anymore. You can find theories about Tobi being Aizen or Barack Obama now.
- And thanks to The Reveal, this quote has an another version: Tobi was a good boy!
- And in Chapter 603, apparently the "Tobi is a good boy!" meme got a shout-out!
- Good, Naruto, you look kinda cool!
- His name is Sas-UKE, thank you.
- Sasuke has duck-butt hair.
- Duck-butt Mc Crazy.
- "Raven Butthead" - Referring to Sasuke's, at times, jerkass-ish behavior and hairstyle that looks like a duck's butt.
- The Sauce. Explanation Originated with people mockingly calling him Sauce-kay, as a result of mispronunciation of his name. Given how full of himself Sasuke can be at his worst, this mutated into "The Sauce" as his role increased.
- Dr. Snakes. Explanation During the Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight (with Kabuto having modified himself with Orochimaru's DNA to gain snake powers), Sasuke mentioned that he'd become a snake expert when preparing to deal with Orochimaru. The initial fan scanslation of the chapter translated this as "Dr. Snakes", which fans found hilarious.
- Who could forget the helpful Kabuto and his catchy ninja info cards song?
- Dynamic Entry
- Specially this one!
- And the Raikage's "Dynamic Exit".
- Specially this one!
- My Zabuza sword cannot be beat!
- Shuriken! Launch! ...cuts through rice paper.
- And don't forget our dear Orochimaru, AKA Voldemaru. Jackson. Get the pedophile
away from our boys.
- It's been something of a meme that anyone covering an eye has a Sharingan (or more rarely a Byakugan or Rinnegan) unless proven otherwise. This also comes with the revelation that "covering an eye" describes like 20% of the cast.
- This also applies to persons from other anime.
- After Danzo's took his arm out, it seems it doesn't even need to be an eye, it's just anyone covering any part of their body.
- Sharingarm.
- With optional Shouldai
- Itachi also wants you to know that you lack hatred.
- And Sai wants Naruto to know that he lacks penis.
- And that even your dog is smarter than you.
- And that he likes ugly bitches like you.
- And also, don't put him in the same group as that gutless little homo (Sasuke).
- And Sai wants Naruto to know that he lacks penis.
- Sasuke's rape faces achieved memetic status fairly quickly.
- From chapter 469: Naruto hates people who lie to themselves!
- As well as: A woman's heart is as fickle as the autumn sky.
- Gaara's Minor Injury Overreaction: BLOOOOD! IT'S MY BLOOOOOD!
- Naruto's Verbal Tic where he says "dattebayo" at the end of his sentences. Not to mention "Believe it!"
- Adding examples? What a drag/how troublesome.
- SHANNARO! * hulk smash*
- Deidara says "Un".
- Maa, what about Kakashi?
- You forgot Hidan's, seriously?!
- THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH/PAIN (In the real world, it is called Kancho
- Uchihahaha!
- Really, any Not So Stoic moment from the Uchiha is met with an "OH EXPLOITABLE!"
- Sasuke's Laughing Mad face in chapter 483.
- NINJA TANK (from fake spoilers saying that in Chapter 465, Madara and Zetsu turn up to Sasuke's rescue with a tank containing Itachi's Eyes. You can figure out why).
- The "Fag Eagle".
- Aoba of the Door. Explanation Aoba Yamashiro is a Recurring Extra who accidentally catalyzes Sasuke's defection by barging in through the door and telling everyone that Itachi returned to the village. He eventually demonstrated crow abilities similar to Itachi's, which led to things like "Hidan and Kakuzu were actually running in terror from Aoba of the Door's Murder of Crows no Jutsu" and "Aoba of the Door outclasses Itachi".
- Those Two Guys From Naruto. Explanation The defining trait of Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki is that they're (obviously) Those Two Guys. They're affectionately known as "those two guys from Naruto" in some fanbases. This title even extends to some others like Genma, who are called "that other guy from Naruto but not those two guys from Naruto," Aoba and Raido ("those other two guys from Naruto but not that guy, and not those two guys") or even Ebisu, who's affectionately known as "that guy from Naruto but not those two guys, not those other two guys and not that one guy".
- Plot-no-jutsu! (the fandom's term for New Powers as the Plot Demands, especially when it comes to the Sharingan)
- And people will tell you that Naruto is an expert at the Jesus-no-jutsu/Talk-no-jutsu/Therapy-no-jutsu.
- Naruto's reaction
◊ to being forced to swallow a seal frog in chapter 491 quickly became a meme soon after the chapter was released.
Explanation From the 13th ending song of Shippuden, which put a catchy yet repetitive song featuring a character, up to and including the episode that ended with severe Mood Whiplash and that character being beaten rather soundly.
- Koide! Koide! Koide!
- Koide! Koide! Koide!
- Konan's name is similarly spelled to Conan. This generated several jokes by substituting names that have Conan in them with Konan:
- Konan the Barbarian/Konan the Librarian
- Konan O' Brien
- Detective Konan
- Shippuden episode 167 was
◊ Looney
◊ Tunes
- "It's true you were special but I am more special than you!"
- Sasuke, you're special, alright.
- Much of chapter 500 quickly became a meme shortly after it was released. For example:
- "Fourth Hokage...Minato. Back away from the jinchuuriki or your son dies at the ripe old age of one minute."
- Then there's the Running Gag among the fandom that the series itself should be called "Sasuke", in reference to the fact that it recently seems like Sasuke, not Naruto himself, is the main character.
- What's behind Kakashi's mask?
- Another mask!
- What the Hell kind of ending is THAT?!
- Behold! Kakashi's true face!
- Another mask!
- Itachi's crowjob.
- Chapter 491 had the frogjob.
- Chapter 491 had the frogjob.
- X-no-jutsu. (Substitute any noun or verb with X)
- Itachi's "foolish little brother" speech
- Haha... moo
- Balansasuke
- Chapter 476: Naruto hyperventilating and fainting.
- Chapter 513: Armadillo Penis.
- Things inside Naruto, in chronological order:
that whore...
- Ashura
- His father and mother
- The Nine Tailed Fox aka Kurama
- Yamato's seed (for tracking using Wood Release, but still...)
- Sasuke
- Itachi('s crow)
- Shisui
- Gerotora
- His "evil" side
- Killer Bee
- Pein('s chakra) The way it's spelled doesn't help.
Naruto: Pein's chakra's... inside me...
- Every other Biju's chakra (so 9 beasts total).
- Sakura's hand
- The Sage of Six Paths
- Dark Kurama
- Asura's chakra
- Zetsu's enthusiastic HALLOOO
from episode 201.
- "X confirmed for Final Villain" Explanation Who exactly is going to be the final enemy of the series has been the source of heavy speculation and debate for a very long time, and thus the source of more than a few jokes.
- Any time Might Guy and Rock Lee have a bonding
moment, an unbreakable genjutsu involving a sunset and a crashing wave is created and the image is placed in your mind for as long as you live. This technique is FAR WORSE THAN FREAKING TSUKUYOMI !!!
- Meta-example, the 'Naruto is a gateway anime' copypasta. It's to the point that it became one of the banners in 4chan.
- When Itachi finally dies, his face smacks into the wall as he falls to the ground. This has pretty much become a meme of "Itachi Style: Facewall" when something is completely ridiculous.
- One joke for the huge amount of Ho Yay between Sasuke and Naruto is that Sasuke is SasuGAY for Naruto.
- "The easy way to get through a girls' heart? Chidori!"
- Chapter 599 brings us these golds:
- GETS FRIENDZONED, -insert whatever Tobi did here- Explanation A meme born because of an assumption that the entire reason Obito had his Face–Heel Turn and became Tobi was because he loved Rin, who was already in love with Kakashi. In other words, Rin only thought Obito as her best friend, hence friendzoned. .
- like the "Tobi is (Insert random name for crack theories here)" meme mentioned above, replacing Obito's face with someone else's on the panels where Obito's face is shown quickly becomes a meme on its own (especially on Tumblr). Be it the real Madara, Naruto, Goku, Aizen, and the list goes on...
- Chapter 600:
- "YOU HAD ONE JOB KAKASHI!" or variations of this quote. Explanation Due to the fact that Kakashi failed to protect Rin (which was pretty much the only job Obito entrusted to him), Obito became Tobi, and now the entire world is a war fighting for their free will because of it.
- Answering every question with "Because you let Rin die." Explanation Rin's death was apparently what caused Obito to become Tobi. People see this as a weak excuse, or at least until the manga reveals the exact manner of how she dies, if anything to make sure it isn't as weak as it seems to be.
- Chapter 619:
- Silence! Explanation An again resurrected Tobirama orders to the legendary Hashirama.
- Uchihas are biologically emos. Explanation Tobirama's explanation of why they tend to become Ax-Crazy .
- Chapter 624/625
- Everything is Tobirama's fault! Explanation Tobirama mortally wounded Izuna Uchiha, whose death was said to be Madara's Start of Darkness. Some readers see "his open bigotry towards the Uchihas behind Konoha's political circles prevented Madara from becoming Hokage and drove him to absolute paranoia. Couple that with his later policies that ultimately led to the Uchiha clan massacre and the origins of all Uchiha antagonists can be traced back to this guy". However, other readers note that no one other than Hashirama and Madara wanted Madara for Hokage, as both Madara and Tobirama explained to Hashirama. Tobirama even stated it in the privacy of his own home, though Madara was eavesdropping outside. Tobirama also gave the Uchiha the run of the police force, and a plot of land like every other known clan in the village. Tobirama being blamed for everything regardless of logic is thus the joke.
- And also, let's not forget that he was the one who invented Edo Tensei.
- Chapter 628: Madara's epic rape face, the forums practically exploded with it, mainly because it was so out of character for Madara and the fact that it's genuinely terrifying.
- Chapter 631:
- ANYONE for Hokage.
- Hinata is unimpressed with Sasuke's anything. Explanation Hinata's reaction to Sasuke's arrival is just a blank expression with Visible Silence and an exclamation mark, and she doesn't have any visible reaction to his declaration that he is going to become the Hokage. Add the fact that she is the only girl in her age group that didn't show any sort of attraction to Sasuke, and you get this joke.
- Senju DNA is the answer to everything!
◊ Explanation A phrase coined by a popular reviewer of manga on YouTube. As the story progresses, the extremely potent and viable DNA of Hashirama Senju (the first Hokage and legendary wielder of the Wood Release) starts to play an increasingly bigger role, to the point where anyone who means business is keen on obtaining some of it, for it is shown to enable characters to achieve unimaginable feats. The phenomenon spawned memes mainly around places such as the Naruto Forums, where members among others wondered whether it could cure AIDS.
- After Chapter 644 it has become quite a common joke in some forums to take a picture of something amazing, astonishing and the like and edit a picture of Tobirama under it with him saying "I created it!".
- Chapter 665: "I'm Madara, you're Madara….we're all Madara!" and "I'm the Sage of the Six Paths, you're the Sage of the Six Paths, Naruto is the Sage of the Six Paths"…we're all sages!" Explanation (spoilers) A Madara-turned-Six-Paths-Sage makes a convoluted explanation about Obito's impersonation. With predictable results.
- Tenten will be the hero of the story. Explanation Considering she's the most minor character and probably the weakest among the Konoha 12 (especially in the manga), many fans joke that she will be the true hero, giving her Memetic Badass status
- Similarly, Teuchi, the Ichiraku Ramen guy, is regarded as one, too.
- Either that or he's actually the mastermind who has been manipulating all the other characters behind the scenes.
- Similarly, Teuchi, the Ichiraku Ramen guy, is regarded as one, too.
- SPOILERS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Explanation Kakashi's over-the-top reaction to Naruto dropping spoilers about his favorite book series. Commonly used as a reaction face when someone carelessly drops spoilers in a discussion or post and it only became more and more applicable to Naruto as time went on
- Obito was the coolest guy. Explanation Naruto says this shortly after Obito's sacrifice. Fans have quickly begun joking at how Naruto can see Obito, the man who caused the war and killed his parents, as a great guy. Others have used as an analogue to "Griffith did nothing wrong" meme.
- STARTS A WAR, GETS THE GIRL! Explanation After the whole issue about starting a war over getting friendzoned, Obito ends up together with Rin despite of or in spite of all the atrocities he committed.
- Hyuuga Hiashi, Eugenics Master
. Explanation Comes in the wake of the spoilers from The Last movie, as well as chapter 700, framing Hinata's dad Hiashi as a Magnificent Bastard running a Gambit Roulette with the sole purpose of hooking her up with Naruto, like he's playing Crusader Kings in-universe. It succeeds.
- Chapter 699: ...Yeah, sorry. Explanation The one panel when Sasuke just said those words after Kakashi explained on why he's unpunished for his crimes quickly gained popularity to other characters that have crossed the Moral Event Horizon, like Griffith.
- For How Long Was Kakashi Hokage ?? Explanation The fact that Kakashi basically spent One Page as Hokage- at least in the manga; the anime gives him a sizable tenure by delving into adaptations of the the sequel novels while he's at the wheel, albeit brief.
- He Lasted Longer the Last Time Explanation A joke people make due to the fact that Kakashi spent longer as Hokage on his previous stint (and he was cock-blocked back then)
- In the wake of the Distant Finale and the film The Last: Naruto the Movie: "NaruHina became canon!!!". Explanation The overall reaction of everyone who ever supported the Naruto/Hinata pairing.
- Ditto for SasuSaku fans.
- This family is a nightmare. Explanation Obito's horrified Heel Realization that finally snaps him out of Madara's machinations gets accompanied by this massive Understatement of the decade that truly emphasized just how hellish even being a Uchiha can be in this series.
- Is there an anime character stronger than a Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu? Explanation A copypasta about the various powers of Madara, all in Gratuitous Japanese. And this is the shortened version.
- Foolish.
◊ Explanation A screenshot of Orochimaru after knocking the Third Hokage onto his back; Orochimaru has his leg raised like a ballerina and the subtitle says "Foolish." Usually seen applied to other characters from different series.
- One
of the Alternative Foreign Theme Song intros to the series has gained a So Bad, It's Good status from the fanbase. It features a 4kids-esque song with awkward lyrics and completely wrong pronounciations of the names ("Na-roo-toe", "Sah-soo-keh"). The lines "Sasuke, is really cool" and "Here I am with my ninja clan" are the most quoted.
- Tenten as a future villain. Explanation A joke that began because of Tenten's boredom in the final chapter due the peacefulness meaning fewer weapons sales. Fans decided that she would start a war just to up sales.
- "Weakness disgusts me". Explanation A line said by Madara when fighting the five Kages, it's often used as a reaction image to situations such as "when your friend passes out after just two beers" or "your sibling's reaction when you can't eat a whole pizza".
- Kana-Boon's Silhouette
which is used as an Op in Naruto Shippuden has for some reason become the second go to song for giving something that isn't anime an Anime Style Opening (besides Neon Genesis Evangelion) Filthy Frank
might be partly to blame for this.
- Sasuke being choked.
Explanation Someone made an edit of Itachi's debut scene of choking Sasuke and declaring that he's weak and lacking hatred into Sasuke being choked by someone else, in a similar manner to the Dog Petting and Monkey Haircut edits. It went viral rather quickly, helped with how much of a Base-Breaking Character Sasuke is, long after the series ended.
- Tenten's screentime. note Fans love to poke fun at how much Out of Focus Tenten is. It comes down in two flavour: Either as X got more screentime than Tenten; or as, whenever she appears in a fan video, saying that she got more screentime in that video than in the actual anime.
- The soundtrack piece titled "Sadness and Sorrow
", has become this since it's been used as BGM for many "Dramatic reading" videos or to mock on something that's supposed to be sad or sentimental on YouTube.
- #NejiWasRight Explanation Neji initially believed that everything was predetermined, something Naruto disagreed with and convinced Neji to drop such a fatalistic worldview. However, as detailed under Broken Aesop, the second half of the series would go on to play the concept of pretermined fate deadly straight, with Naruto being the Child of Prophecy destined to save the world and how Naruto and Sasuke were fated to be enemies since they're the latest reincarnations of the Sage of the Six Paths' two sons being the biggest offenders, meaning that the series ended up unwittingly vindicating Neji's original beliefs.
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